pub unsafe extern "system" fn JsTTDGetSnapTimeTopLevelEventMove(
runtimeHandle: JsRuntimeHandle,
moveMode: JsTTDMoveMode,
kthEvent: u32,
targetEventTime: *mut i64,
targetStartSnapTime: *mut i64,
targetEndSnapTime: *mut i64
) -> JsErrorCode
TTD API -- may change in future versions:
Before calling JsTTDMoveToTopLevelEvent (which inflates a snapshot and replays) check to see if we want to reset the script context.
We reset the script context if the move will require inflating from a different snapshot that the last one.
The runtime handle that the script is executing in.
Flags controlling the way the move it performed and how other parameters are interpreted.
When moveMode == JsTTDMoveKthEvent indicates which event, otherwise this parameter is ignored.
The event time we want to move to or -1 if not relevant.
Out parameter with the event time of the snapshot that we should inflate from.
Optional Out parameter with the snapshot time following the event.
The code JsNoError if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.